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Chapter 4 Activities

We recommend printing a copy of the directions for each activity before proceeding to the designated websites.

Activity A
The American Library Association lists the most frequently challenged books since 1900. Which of those books have you read? Be prepared to discuss in class your beliefs about why those books were banned. Were you surprised by some of the titles on the list?

Activity B

Wielding the Red Pen, a University of Virginia exhibit, offers a series of colorful but thoughtful presentations on various categories of book censorship. Photographs and brief commentaries are included. Select one of the categories, read the commentary, and write a brief paragraph indicating how the information has modified or reinforced your personal definition of censorship.

Other Websites of Interest

KidSPEAK is a group attempting to thwart the efforts of people who want the Harry Potter books banned. Take the censorship IQ test. 

White Camelia Knights of the Ku Klux Klan contains information that most Americans would find offensive. Should it be allowed on the Internet?  

The official website of the American Civil Liberties Union

The official website of the American Library Association


Article: Singer, 2007

Text Selection: Matter and Energy in the Web of Life